Thursday, March 13, 2008

Miles To Go Before We Sleep

"The woods are dark,deep and lovely.But i have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep"
To me these two lines depict the essence of life.Delving into the philosophical plane ,Robert Frost potrays the true meaning of life.Life is not ablout facing the storm and rising up strong,it is a lot more than that.It is about learning to enjoy the dance in the rain :-) It is enjoying every moment of life in its entirety and totality, leaving behind all premonitions and prejudices.Everything, except the art of living has been learnt,practised and perfected.Life demands so much from us every minute.We try to be anything and evrything other than what we are.The commitments keep pulling us from all directions and slowly,slowly we lose our identity amidst the milling crowds.
Once in a while it is necessary to escape the civilization,ignore the demands and expectations of the world and withdraw into your inner self for strength and solidarity.When you come to a crossroad in life,it is better to choose the road less travelled if it aligns with your passion and interest.Life is all about flaunting forward your true personality,enriching your inner self every time you fall down,gathering motivation from beloved ones and striving forward to conquer your territory.Ultimately,what you put into life is what you get back.Infact it is very difficult to be yourself under certain circumstances.The entire life of a man is a diary in which he intends to write a story ,but unfortunately,ends up writing another.We are so accustomed to disguising ourselves to others then we finally end up being disguised to ourselves.Almost every human being wastes his life to display capabilities that he does not posess to get applauses he cannot keep with himself.Let the world know you as who you are,and how you should be,instead if you pose,you will sooner or later forget the pose and lose the rythm that guides you from within.
The root of all problems can be traced back to relationships.We are more interested in making others believe we are happy than trying to be happy ourselves.Why do we get into relationships?There is only one ultimate answer.Aloneness hurts.We are afraid of being alone.Man is at his worst when he is hinself.Give him a mask and he will flaunt it with all the pomp and splendor in the world.He who travels in search of some thing that he does not possess or something that cannot be his,hetravels away from himself growing old among many things.Remember, the pen that writes your life's story must be your's :-) If god wanted some one else,he would have very well created someone else.Wherever you go,go with all your heart.As we try to make sense of small things in life ,life looks on in response.The tendency of life ,always,is forward. At the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good. And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money, the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.To do something, however small, to make others happier and better, is the highest ambition, the most elevating hope, which can inspire a human being.


Manivannan said...

Voww.. it was awesome.. as I read on I just felt like someone has written my biography... I am sure most other readers would feel the same.. yielding to peer pressure and succumbing to the temptation of more money we lose our identity and pursue a total different career than what the inner self actually wishes to...
Hope things will improve in the future... That was a great start... Continue writing... You have one reader waiting for sure..

Nithya Rengaswamy said...

Thanks a lot mani for those gud words... :-)

Nanda Nachimuthu said...

this one of my favourite sayings...keep up the good work and best wishes.

RAJ said...

romba perusa iruku
i dont have have that patience to read it........
ha ha ha

Unknown said...

a very interesting one . you have a true gift and talent for words and an ability to express using them. do keep writing looking forward to read more...

Unknown said...

hi..mind blowing continue your writing...

Sowmiya said...

Hey!! gud one :-)

Vidyadhar Durgekar said...

interesting.same lines you can find imy blog also